In order to form funds that consist of tangible and intangible assets, we recommend using the following accounts

ㅤTo create an account:

1. Go to the accounts menu – Edit – Add account

2. Specify the name of the Fund account, the account currency, and, if necessary, the starting balance of the account, and click Add account:

ㅤThis account will allow you to make accruals, expenditures, and transfers of funds in order to track and manage this fund

Accounting for Accountable Funds is formed according to the same algorithm

1. Create an account “Accountable funds”
ㅤ*We can also specify the employee’s name in the account name, for convenience

2. To reflect the issuance of accountable funds to an employee, we create a transfer of funds from the main account to the account account in the service
*in the comment to the transaction, you can specify what exactly the funds were allocated for

3. In the future, you or the employee will be able to make expenses from this account and track the balance of funds on the employee’s balance sheet


ㅤIf we have a lot of such employees in our company, we can add them to the Finmap company itself, providing only the account that relates to a particular employee with display accesses

ㅤ✔ By the way, employees can also attach files to expense transactions, for example, photos of purchased goods, receipts, or receipts: